Safety and security conditions are similar to New Zealand, but you should exercise increased caution in Rosario. Be vigilant about your personal security, especially in certain areas of Buenos Aires.
There are a number of active forest fires affecting the Patagonia region in Argentina. This includes popular hiking areas such as the Nahuel Huapi, Lanín, Lago Puelo, and Los Alerces National Parks. Strong winds and high temperatures mean these are currently uncontained and further outbreaks could occur. A fire ban has been put in place in the National Parks, with limited exceptions.
If you are in the affected area or areas potentially affected by the fires you should follow the advice of the local authorities, including any evacuation orders. We recommend that you also stay informed of developments by monitoring local media.
Other things that New Zealanders travelling or living in Argentina should be aware of are:
New Zealanders travelling in Argentina should have a comprehensive travel insurance policy in place.
See below for more detailed travel advice.
Street Address:
Carlos Pellegrini 1427, 5th Floor, Ciudad de Buenos Aires CP1011, Argentina
+54 (11) 5070 0700
[email protected]
Mon-Fri 10.00-12.00 For New Zealand Citizens only: Mon - Fri 09.00 - 17.30