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There is a threat of violence or conflict

Find out what to do if it looks like armed conflict, terrorism, or civil unrest will break out in the place you’re travelling.

Register your travel

Register your plans and contact details so we can send you travel updates about the places you're travelling to.

Keep yourself safe

If you’re in a place where there is a threat of conflict or violence, do everything you can to stay safe.

It might be safest to stay inside, but if you need to go outside:

  • Stay alert. If you see something suspicious or dangerous, leave the area.
  • Avoid large crowds, demonstrations, and protests.
  • If you see large numbers of police or armed forces, leave the area.
  • Avoid taking photos of local authorities or demonstrations.
  • Try not to stand out or draw attention to yourself.
  • Avoid areas where incidents have been reported.

If you’re planning to leave

You may decide to leave the area or country and get somewhere safer. If local authorities have issued an official evacuation order, you should leave. If you stay in a place that has evacuated by official order, your travel insurance might not be valid.

If you decide to leave, act quickly. There may be high demand for flights, trains, or buses out of the area. It may be weeks or months before you are able to leave if you don’t act early to secure your departure option. Transport providers may also cancel operations at short notice.

Get ready to shelter in place

If you decide to stay, or you’re not able to leave, you should get ready to shelter in place until it is safe to leave. Hotels and resorts should have plans and supplies for tourists to shelter in place in a crisis.

If you need to shelter in place, here are some things to prepare:

  • Water and food – get enough bottled water for all the people in your group, in case the water is shut off or unsafe to drink. Make sure you have a supply of long-life food.
  • Supplies – get things like torches, batteries, and radios, in case you can’t go outside and power is out.
  • First aid – get a first aid kit, and make sure you have a supply of any daily medications you may need.
  • Devices – charge your devices and power banks when you have the opportunity, in case the power goes out.
  • Sturdy shoes and clothing – if you need to go outside, there may be debris and sharp objects on the ground.

Stay in touch

If the violence makes the international news, your friends and whānau in New Zealand will be concerned for your safety. Get in touch with them when you can to let them know you’re safe and what your plans are.

You should also register your contact details with us if you haven’t already. We don’t know you’re in a crisis location if you are not in touch with us. The primary way we communicate with New Zealanders offshore, including sharing information about the local situation and how to stay safe, is sending messages and updates to New Zealanders who have registered with us on SafeTravel.  

Register your details

Information and advice

In an emergency, local authorities are the best source of current and correct information and advice. Follow the advice from local governments, police, and emergency responders.

Some governments will have emergency mobile alerts or emergency alert apps that they use to communicate advice and information in a crisis. Ask hotel staff or a local authority how to access official information.  

Monitor the news and social media for updates and take all official warnings seriously.

We also update our travel advice or send information directly to those registered on SafeTravel.

New Zealand Police provide information on what to do if there is a terrorist attack. Make sure you know the local emergency contact numbers in your destination.

Know what to do | New Zealand Police

The New Zealand Get Ready website has information on what to do in an emergency and how to be prepared.

Find out more on the Get Ready website

Check our travel advice