The volatile security situation is a significant risk for New Zealanders in Iraq. There are active terrorist groups who may target areas where foreigners are.
Violent crime, kidnapping and corruption are common, as are organised criminal groups, militia and violent tribal groups.
If you travel to Iraq, you are strongly encouraged to consult a reputable security company (with experience in Iraq) for advice on security arrangements. Review these arrangements regularly. This may mitigate the risks to your safety but cannot eliminate them entirely.
You should also have a plan for how to depart if the security situation gets worse. The New Zealand government will not be arranging an evacuation for New Zealand citizens, should commercial options for departure cease. Read our advice for areas of conflict or violence.
Avoid areas of military activity at all times, including border areas. Follow restrictions imposed by the local authorities and seek local advice on any changes to curfews. Use caution at checkpoints. A uniform is not a guarantee that the wearer is acting in an official capacity.
Be highly security conscious at all times, particularly in public places when travelling by road and close to government offices.
Monitor local developments closely through media and other information sources on possible new safety and security risks.
Other things that New Zealanders travelling or living in Iraq should be aware of are:
Have a comprehensive travel insurance policy in place that includes provision for medical evacuation by air. You should check that your travel insurance policy covers travel in Iraq – exclusions may apply.
See detailed travel advice below.
New Zealand has no diplomatic presence in Iraq, so the Government’s ability to provide consular assistance to New Zealanders is limited. Read our advice for New Zealanders in areas where there is violence or conflict.